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Tandbergista and koba reacted
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Posted a picture from part of my Tandberg collection.

Left under Tr 1040, Tr1055, Tr1000, Tr1010, Philips CD881,Tr200, Solvsuper 11

Right uder Tr2025 MB, Te220,Tr2025,Tr2075 MK2, Hukdra 9, Huldra 10

Upstairs I have more from the 20xx series, dont have place for everything on my table

Should be nice to see more pictures from other collections and to start a discussion which model anyone prefers etc

Greetz Piet

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@Piet, you and I had a very interesting conversation earlier on the virtues of the Huldra 9.
Shall we talk about that again here?
I just "restored" a Huldra 9, the silicon version. I say "restored" because there was not that much wrong with it, a seriously overheated resistor in the FM decoder power supply and melted traces, and a resistor that was out of spec. This unit has an aftermarket Decoder 4 with stereo FM. It is otherwise in original condition. All caps are original. I am test running it now and I am extremely impressed with it's sound.
Piet, I think you have the germanium version, which you like so much. I have never heard this later model, with 2N5456 transistors in the output. Hooked it up to my TL-5010 speakers and what a fantastic sound, so smooth! Detailed, gentle, somehow laidback, it caresses your ears! It suits vocals and softer music with nuance and emotion. Just now listening to Susan Wong's album Someone Like You. A young girls voice and spare, rather conventional arrangements. The Huldra 9 let's this album shine, perfect for this kind of music, it doesn't sound this good and touching on more modern amps.

I just bought this Huldra 9 for 30 euro, amazing value for money!

What is your opinion on the Huldra 9? And the other models?

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Jens, interesting info about Huldra 9.

I know there is a version with plastic black knobs and a version with silver knobs.

I have the silver version, you have 2 pieces of this version also I see on the picture.

Think the black knobs version is the first one, but I am not sure., and dont know if there are differences between those models.

Surprised to read you have a version with Germanium and a version with Silicon.(both silver knobs)

I read that Tandberg upgraded several of their models through the years

@JDurbin wrote on Audiokarma that tr2025, 2055 and 2075 also have 2 versions , the later ones upgraded.

Which makes it more complicated for a collector (-:

Serienumber of my Huldra 9 is 459256 (for what its worth)










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What do you mean with aftermarket Stereodecoder??

What the difference in sound between both Huldra 9 you have??

Seems to me they look the same??

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My both Huldra 9's look the same but are different on the inside. For the sound, I can't say yet, still testing the silicon version. I can sense some similarities between them though, they are surprisingly similar in performance.
I am listening to it now, it strikes me how good it's imaging is, just like the germanium version.
Maybe silicon version has a little bit faster transient response in the top end. Maybe it is a step in the direction towards the later models. But I must wait with a verdict on that.

This is from (posted by Lars-G. Lundelin):
The Tandberg Huldra 9 has been released in two versions (may be more); one with 15 Watts output power and one with 25 W. This can be distinguished by the serial number. From Nr 449000 onward you have a 15W version with germanium transistors and from 462650 the output is 25 watts with silicon transistors (2N5496).

With aftermarket Decoder I mean this one has a stereo decoder plug in. I call it aftermarket because I believe these were installed as an after sales upgrade. This Huldra 9 has tubes in the radio circuit AND a stereo FM decoder card with an IC. It combines several generations of technology. Odd but wonderful! Well, I can live without ICs.

Your Huldra likely is the germanium version.
Isn't it great that there are different versions 😉 Makes it more interesting to be a collector, like being a sommelier - "I prefer the vintage 2003", "but 2003 was a bit hot, I'd rather say the 2008".

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Continuing to listen to the "new" Huldra 9. When it comes vocals and percussion like snare drums, the Huldra 9 excels, it is maybe one of the best performing Tandberg units in my collection. It has an airy and pure character in this range. The bass is not so deep and attention-seeking, but this is not a disadvantage only. For techno, no, don't use the Huldra 9. The Bass switch is not very good, the bass is a bit too much on steroids with that. The Huldra 9's character is also, I think, it's gentle sound and that it has a superb midrange. Maybe compared to the germanium version this silicon version is a bit sharper in the top, while it 'lifts out' the midrange like female vocals they also have more edge than the germanium version. This is my impression so far.

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Tandbergista, thanks for the excellent review, very clear.

I agree with you about the sound of snaredrums, vocals, also guitars are very clear ,open, detailled, airy, spacy.

Huldra 9 is NOT fot playing house, heavy metal, etc, better use Tr20xx series for that music.

If you want a nice easy-listening evening, go for Huldra 9

Right now listening to Byrds, 60ties, vocals, guitars, snare drums, excellent with Huldra 9.

Indeed : bass is not strongest point of huldra 9, midrange and treble, thats what the Huldra is Champion

Still, if you play with loudness (bass knob), and the bass tone knob, also bass is nice, not to overwhelming.


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Last few days I am comparing my Huldra 9, Huldra 10, Tr 200, Tr 220, Solvsuper 11 with Tr1000 and Tr 2075 mk2

Very clear to me that Huldra 9 and 10, Tr 200 and Solvsuper 11 have the same bloodlines, 

All very open, clear , transparant sound like you (and I) describe in Huldra 9. (Solvsuper 11 sounds more basic, smallest amp),same productio  years

Tr 200 surprises me very much, small amp, but same beautiful sound as Tr1000 and Huldra 9 and 10.

This family SWINGS OUT OF THE SPEAKERS, makes me a musicjunk, cant stop playing

Sure you know what I mean !!!!!

Tr 220 is definetaly part of the TR20xx family,, no doubt,  same sound, good, strong, powerfull, but different from the older ones.

Not as rransparant, open ,clear ( SORRY 20XX LOVERS...), Just my opinion, my ears.....

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To continue ;

Huldra 9 is pure, natural, elegance, female, no tricks, no shit,  very HONEST

Tr200 has slightly more deepness in the bass

Tr1000 has even more deepness in bass

Overall sound : Tr1000  ,Tr200  are like brothers, while Huldra 9 is the sister

Depends on the mood and music which one I choose

In fact it does not matter,.... they all are fantastic.

Tomorrow gonna focus on the 20xx series

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Our 'reviewing' is so much fun, it inspires me to take out my other Tandbergs and connect them, those I haven't used for a while.
Maybe tomorrow I'll plug in the TR-1040. I think actually that is maybe the best of all my Tandberg receivers. It is somewhere between the Huldra 10-TR-1000 family and the 20xx family. Now it was a while ago I listened to it. Have you got a TR-1040 in your collection?

I think you are spot on with the Huldra 9 - a pure, elegant female, the artistic sister?
Then the TR-200 is more 'bassy', the TR-1000 is even 'bassier'.
For those into rock'n'roll, wouldn't the TR-1000 be ideal? I can imagine Led Zeppelin must sound great with it?

And like you say, the TR-200 is amazing. It surprises me every time. So small and cute looking that you may not think it is such a little tiger, but it delivers a powerful, charming and musical performance. It is the hifi bargain of the millenium, considering that you can buy one for as little as 40 euro and that it is relatively easy to service (in most cases..) and get into top shape if needed.

The TR-2075 you have Piet, I think you do not like it so much. Have you compared it to the TR-2075 MkII or TR-2080? I have heard somewhere that the first edition, the TR-2075 is more sharp and analytical, maybe like contemporary gear? My TR-2080 is absolutely amazing. Sure, not as smooth and emotional as the Huldra 9, but with the TR-2080 we have other sets of qualities that are extraordinary. With the TR-2080 we are in contemporary high-end with one foot and vintage with the other foot..

We must also consider the state of the vintage equipment we are reviewing. If it is original but in bad shape it will not perform to its potential. If it is restored but poorly restored with cheapo parts, it will not perform to its full potential either.
I am inclined to think that the components that Tandberg used, like the capacitors, were very good. The Huldra 9 I am listening to tonight is all original, more than 50 years old, and it works fine, with a sound quality that has started to plant seeds of doubt in my mind that contemporary components really can match in terms of performance, if replaced?

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Jens, yes I have the Tr1040 and 1055 also.,see picture, 1040, 1055, 1000,1010.

Sound of 1040 and 1055 is like 1000/1010 with connections to the Tr20xx series.

Did not listen to them for a while, because Huldra 9, tr1000 were very satisfying for me.

Also Tr 200 I am testing last few days, also very surprising like I wrote

I really have positive problems, got a lot of Tandberg, all great stuff, makes it hard to choose which one (-:

Tr2075 MK2 came in last week, great machine, good condition tested it out for some days, but still I went back to Huldra and Tr10xx

I miss the smoothness and grace from the 10xx series in the 20xx series

  • Only a matter of taste, to my ears, lots of people prefer Tr20xx series, 


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Jens, about Tr200, I bought this small receiver 2 years ago, tested it for a short time, but was more focussed on the 20xx series at that time.

Did not really took the Tr200 very serious., because it was small  and tested it with the wrong speakers and CD,

Now I am testing ALL my Tandberg stuff with the same gear, Philips CD880 (the best you can get !!!) and Jamo J101 nearfield speakers.

So I can compare all my stuff very objective...

Tandberg speakers are very hard to find in Holland, should be nice to find Studio monitors or Tl5020 in  the future

It is very interesting to hear all the differences between all the different Tandberg series while using them on the same speakers and CD

I turns out that even the small models ( Tr 200 solvsuper 11 etc), which I never took serious,are wonderful !!!



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Philios CD 880, Tr200, Solvsuper 11

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