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TR 2025 Scale lamps

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In Stereo
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Hi, I'm looking for some online source where to buy these bulbs. It's a T10 7volt/0,7watt, pls. see pic of burned one.

I tried to search on the net, but only found most common 12v versions etc.

There's a total of 6 pcs inside a TR 2025 for illuminating the scale screen.

Also, if there is suitable led substitute available, it might be ok too but brightness have to be equal to original, I don't want it to be much brighter.

Any help with this?




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Hello Sami, not easy to find , it's T10 6V 2W ( 1,6W is OK as well ). You may find it at ebay or in the electronic shops ( 1-3 Euro pcs ). I have very limited amount at the moment, but waiting for delivery hopefully in more reasonable price ( mid of April I have been told ). Remind me end of April if your request is still pending. LED - well ... I don't like it, it must be AC/DC version.


I have 1,2W, but it's OK only for the amber , not for the blue dial. 


In Stereo
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Hi Pawel, thanks for your answer. I managed to found 4 pcs from a local electronic-shop, they didn´t have more but they will order more in couple of weeks. They`re indeed 7v 0,7w, same that my burned out ones which I believe were in original spec.

Are those 6v 2w much brighter look in actual use since the wattage is over double compared to 0,7w bulb? Happen to have any picture of blue dial with 2w bulbs in use?

Btw, since your from Poland, is this familiar to you?

I really don´t understand a single word of that ad, only see specs what they´re selling, hah.

And thanks, I´ll poke you if I somehow don´t get those bulbs from local shop!


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Sami, the specification says: 6-7V 300mA so T10 6,3 2W is almost perfect. 7V - 100mA is far too dark. If you have the blue dial you will see nothing. I have 6,3 1,2W and ... nothing . I mix it with the 2W only in an amber dial. It works somehow ( 2x 1,2W behind the meters, 4x2W behind the dial ). Trust me 🙂  


Tandbergista reacted
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The 1,2W you can buy here, it costs 0,4 Euro pcs,3,4209,1891





In Stereo
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Hi Pawel,

Ok, thanks for your info. I did found a 6v/2w bulbs 0,45€/pcs from Finnish webshop, so maybe I just change all 6 bulbs for those. However, I took a pic about 6 months ago when all 0,7w bulbs were still working, and those were not too dim at all, or what do you think?


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hmmm, maybe it was 1,7W not 0,7W ? really based on my experience even 1,2W is not enough ... I am really surprised looking at the photo. Do you have the intensive blue plexi or due to the sun&time it is almost transparent now ?  Maybe it's a reason ? 


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I saw one plexi almost transparent with only the blue frame. Tandberg stayed at the open sun for years;) It should be blue like at my photo and it creates lack of light when bulbs are too dark. Try the 0,7W ones and let us know result ! 


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in fact the bigger brothers the TR2055/75/80 having even more light - 6x3W and dial is far shorter 🙂 


In Stereo
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This is getting weird.. I just tested new bulbs and surprise-surprise, my 0,7w ones are brighter than 2w😂 Both bulbs new. See in the pic. 2w is on the left side, cleaned the contacts and tested other positions too, same result.

 Scale looks evenly coloured to me.

So I decided to put two 2w bulbs behind the meters and four 0,7w behind the scale.

So that's quite interesting..looks good though💪


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🙂 cool that you fixed it ! It's not 0,7W for sure, and in case it's more than 2W what test shows ... you may have a problem with the plastic bulb holders. Check after 10-15 minutes the temperature, in case it's far warmer than the 2W bulbs replace it by 2W. The plastic holder is very temperature sensitive and usually after so many years is getting crumble, the temperature speeds this process significantly.

Well done, looks great !  I have the same on my table at the moment, but it's in parts ....yet ! 


In Stereo
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Hi, just had those bulb temperatures measured with my laser temp meter. All we're between 31-36 c°. In fact my 0,7w ones were a bit on a cooler side (yet brighter) compared to 2w bulbs. However, not so hot temperatures, what do you think?

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hello, all is OK no worries !


In Stereo reacted

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